Teaching for Success

The TFS Faculty Development Program Is the New On-ramp for Institutions that Wish to Engage More Instructors in Transformative Teaching Improvement and Appreciation of Student Success Issues.

It Enables Institutions to Help Faculty, Particularly SME and Adjunct Instructors, Apply Transformative Teaching Success Factors, to Instructional Improvement and Ensuring Greater Student Success

Why TFS?

Students are more diverse, demanding, and more needful than ever.
They quickly drop classes or disengage from learning when instructors fail to meet their needs or if the class fails to meet their learning expectations as seen here : https://vacances-scolaires.com.

TFS specializes in mentoring Subject Matter Expert and Adjunct Instructors, who have not formally studied the nature of adult education, in the principles of teaching for success based on findings from cognitive science, adult learning, psychology, and best teaching practices.

Today, it is not enough for adjuncts to know their subject thoroughly. If adjuncts are to successfully serve institutions and retain students, they must have high-quality people skills and excellent instructional design and delivery smarts. For the noneducational major adjuncts, Teaching For Success unpacks and explains the value of these two must-know skill sets of higher education teaching. It translates learned-experience into easy-to-understand nuggets of best thinking and best practice.

TFS is designed to meet the particular needs of faculty who have not studied higher education and pedagogy. It will resonate particularly with faculty who are goal setters and high achievers. These faculty will love and resonate with TFS.

With TFS, your instructors can select and engage with resources of need and personal interest. You will give them a 1,600-page e-library of crucial teaching skills, strategies, and solutions. Best of all, adjuncts can learn teaching skills without having to slog through often off-putting and often boring theoretical discussions.

TFS is designed to energize and engage faculty who care and are committed to teaching excellence.

What is TFS ?

A Great Solution to a Tough Problem

The problem

Adjunct faculty, TAs and less-experienced full-time faculty need to quickly and easily learn what expert faculty are doing to achieve success in the classroom, laboratory, clinic and teaching on-line courses.

Students deserve the same quality teaching whether they have an adjunct instructor, full-time faculty member or a TA.

The solution

Provide faculty with a success-centered, skill-development periodical and program designed especially for busy adjunct, part-time and full-time faculty and TAs who wish to improve their teaching skills.

Teaching For Success (TFS) is a unique, low-cost solution to the problem of how to help adjunct and tenure-track faculty continuously improve their teaching skills and become more proficient at reaching the teaching learning goals they and their students desire.

TFS shares what works among all instructors, staff and faculty in a practical, attractive, monthly publication using state-of-the-art electronic publishing techniques. It’s practical, proven (14th year in publication) and very cost-effective.

Teaching For Success® (TFS) is success-centered and results focused.

It’s created especially for faculty who want to improve their teaching skills for the benefit of themselves, their institution and their students. It’s practical, cost-effective and is deliverable from your institution’s web or file servers.

TFS is practical; it’s a positive, no nonsense approach to teaching improvement that appeals to responsible, busy, caring faculty who want to get better results.
TFS is a subscription-based, electronic monthly, that does not carry a specific political or theoretical bias.

The goal of TFS is to communicate in clear terms what works for faculty in all types of teaching situations, environments and contexts. Instructors are then encouraged to change, modify and shape these ideas to meet their own needs.

Also, TFS is an idea, a very personal, yet pragmatic idea for teaching and learning improvement as a faculty development program created especially for those – often the neglected faculty and staff groups – adjuncts, part-timers, teaching assistants and new full-time instructors.

This is a proven, effective, A+, low-cost faculty development program with 14 years experience serving higher education.

Who Benefits ?

The Short Answer? Everyone!

Faculty, students and subscribing institutions all benefit. Although we are the adjunct faculty development experts, instructors and professors of all experience levels can benefit from learning TFS success strategies and improvement ideas.


TFS is designed to especially meet the needs of busy, overloaded instructors who want to improve their knowledge of good teaching practices in order to save time, reach learning outcomes and increase their enjoyment of teaching.

For 14 years busy, hardworking faculty have loved the practical, positive, no nonsense approach that TFS brings to teaching and learning improvement. We know that few faculty have time to spend researching teaching and learning theory; therefore, they need an enjoyable quick-reading publication that provides 8-12 terrific ideas each month.

If a resource is not handy on their desktops or in their briefcases, faculty are too busy to search them out.

Also, TFS is a resource that especially benefits adjuncts, part-timers, teaching assistants and new full-time faculty – instructors who need help with the fundamentals.


Today, any organization that ignores training and development for their people does so at great risk to their long-term survival. TFS benefits institutions by helping them provide an affordable, faculty development program for the most neglected and fastest growing instructor group – adjunct faculty.

Better teaching means higher retention rates and the enrollment of higher quality students for the subscribing institution. TFS requires no development costs and only a few minutes of staff time to implement each month.


Students are the ultimate winners when TFS is provided to faculty. TFS helps faculty learn how to meet students’ learning needs and do the things that really matter in their teaching.

TFS success strategies can be taught to students to help them with their academic learning tasks as well as to become more successful in their personal lives.

Critical Success Factors – The Crucial Structure

Why do so many faculty development efforts fail?

Just like a boring, disorganized class that students avoid like the plague, faculty run from boring, disorganized resources and programs that don’t meet their success needs.

TFS is not only attractive, stimulating and readable but it’s extremely well organized using a unique structure that makes sense.

Without a solid foundation a program like a house will crumble. TFS has built a very solid foundation for developing faculty on the five Critical Success Factors (CSFs) of good teaching. We use these CSFs to create the annual curriculum of teaching and learning improvement ideas found in each issue and volume. These CSFs help faculty see the areas where they need most to develop proficiency.

The CSFs of good teaching are:

So Why Not Subscribe Today and Help Your Faculty Teach For Success this Term?

Each subscription provides the institution with a TFS Unlimited Use License

Below Are Some of the Serious-About-Success Institutions Choosing TFS

TFS is all about student success boost learning and completion.

Working as Department Chair, I was amazed to discover a significant proportion of the adjunct faculty in my department had not learned the essentials. They just taught the way they were taught—for good or bad. Many students became disappointed and quit. So I decided to do something about it. Now I want to help you reach and engage students in completing courses. After all, why should students pay the price of poor teaching?
That is why I created the Teaching For Success Program. It’s designed to help your faculty succeed by giving you the tools to help them improve their skills. Click the arrow below to enjoy the TFS Program Introductory Video.

Isn’t it time to value and empower your faculty? TFS is the practical way to assist instructors to:

A TFS Story

The information provided is so on target. I can relate to each comment. It seems that I have misplaced my focus and have, perhaps, forgotten why I wanted to teach. It became a chore because I was more concerned about errors, instead of my purpose and how it may impact students.

Upon reading this information, I realized that I have a lot to learn about my delivery and my students. They have become disruptive and defiant. I wondered about how to get them back on track, but I had no resolution.

Your TFS teaching tools are a life saver. I don’t know if you remember, I was worried about losing my job and my students were threatening to go to the Dean.
Look at me, now. I have found what my students need from me. They are benefiting from your Program and from what I’ve learned through you. I love my students, and they are just awesome. Thank you so much for your guidance and information.

A.Scott, Adjunct Instructor

Select Institution Type: After payment received, TFS will setup your access and email you startup information and credentials

The TFS Road Map to Better Adult Instruction

The TFS Program Offers a Common Sense Structure.
Instructor Skills Are Developed Using
the Six Essential Teaching Success Factors.
The Highly Effective PIE-R3 Quick-Lesson Format Is Included.

Eight Self-Study QuickCourses

Three Rapid Help Guides

And, So Much More

The Smart Evaluator’s Question to Ask: What if it does work?

Your institutional annual access secured with a purchasing card provides immediate access to 13-Sections of great teaching resources. Execute Director, John H. Shrawder, has overseen the creation of 1,600 pages of ideas, strategies, principles, and recommendations all designed to help your institution’s faculty become more skilled, valuable, and appreciated.

Faculty/User Comments on Teaching for Success

Jack, The information provided is so on target. I can relate to each comment. It seems that I have misplaced my focus and have, perhaps forgotten why I wanted to teach. It became a chore because I was more concerned about errors, instead of my purpose and how it may impact students.

Upon reading this information, I realized that I have a lot to learn about my delivery, and my students. They have become disruptive and defiant. I wondered about how to get them back on track, but I had no resolution.

Your [TFS] teaching tools are a life saver. I don't know if you remember, I was worried about losing my job and my students were threatening to go to the Dean. Look at me, now. I have found what my students need from me. They are benefiting from your Program and from what I've learned through you. I love my students and they are just AWESOME. Thank you!

Thank you so much for your guidance and information,
~A.Scott, Community College Adjunct Instructor

Wanted to let you know that I am once again resorting to your helpful website to encourage myself a little bit! I have been hired to create an online course for a local University that I am currently teaching at face to face. I am a bit concerned that somehow I am not qualified, but I know I am because I am the subject expert! By reading over the different [TFS] Faculty Rapid Help Guides, I am feeling better already!
~Kim T., Plymouth State University

I appreciate the insights you have given me and the helpful suggestions for improved class response. [Tip #51] Simple but effective. Saves a lot of time and helps focus attention and support where needed!

Great suggestions. I truly appreciate the good advice. I think you are applying some of the teaching techniques in the ways you present information to readers like me. In some way I am both the teacher and the student when I read and think about the information you post.

The fall MBA capstone course has started and I have employed many of your suggestions with success.
~John MacDonald, Ashland University

I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your e-Mentor Program. I am in my 3rd year of teaching, and I just moved from a Community College to a 4-year college.

I am thrilled to have this position; however, your various resources have helped me along the way. I am just doing my syllabi now and will look at your recent Success Tips on outstanding syllabi.

Thanks again from a very grateful educator!
~Melanie Fleming

I love all of the Success Tips so far, but the tip: GRANDMA'S RULE was the kicker I needed! These tips are priceless. It is great to have such reminders coming out weekly. I so appreciate your emails. They remind me of my goal: REAL learning. NOT just teaching!
~Sheryl, AMSL

John. I have been very impressed with the daily posts. I'm so glad that I joined the group.
~Ken Hunt, Ph.D.,J.D., LL.M. Adjunct Faculty at Utah Valley University

John, you are exceptionally gifted in your work within higher education.
Your passion shows through.
~Michael Sutton, Knowledge Activist, Leadership Coach and Mentor, Associate Professor in Higher Education, Westminster College [Bill and Vieve Gore School of Business], Boise State University, [College of Business and Economics], Harvard Business Review Advisory Council

About Us

John H. (Jack) Shrawder

Executive Director

Penny A. Shrawder

Owner/Artist/Managing Editor

The TFS Program at a glance

The program begins with an overview of the six teaching success factors that under girds 12-sections of TFS teaching Improvement resources. It is designed to boost instructor teaching clarity, competence, and confidence–the three pillars of teaching for student success and completion.

QuickCourses help faculty acquire basic knowledge and adopt foundational success skills of teaching today.
QCs are designed for self-study and use by new and inexperienced adjunct and full-time faculty. It is recommended that faculty load these documents onto a personal digital device of their choice. This will enable learners to enter information pertinent to their teaching situation.

What’s the bottom line?

more than 160 colleges and universities now use Teaching For Success in their faculty development or teaching and learning center programs. Most of these colleges have been with TFS for many years. The renewal rate for TFS subscriptions has always been exceptionally high and to me is one of the best indicators of success.

The $1500 Question – Why not give TFS a try with your faculty?

A dozen compelling reasons to give TFS a try:

Jack H. Shrawder


PS: Your complete satisfaction with TFS is backed by my personal guarantee!

Membership Form

Download the form here


John H. (Jack) Shrawder
Executive Director
E-mail: Jack Shrawder, JackShrawder(at) Gmail (dot) com
Voice and Text: Jack Shrawder,530-307-8549

Mailing address
Pentronics Publishing,
721 6th St., NE,
Rio Rancho, NM 87124

I enjoy conversing with our customers and potential customers and those just interested in what we do. Please feel free to contact me with your questions, feedback, and concerns.

Best time to reach us is 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.

Follow TFS on LinkedIn; join this vibrant, helpful, and growing faculty support group.

TFS LinkedIn Social Network Group Link:
Adjunct Faculty Teaching For Success in Higher Educat